Tuesday, February 05, 2008

In loving memory of Frank Burkhill Died July 9th 1913 Aged 10 weeks Also Eric Burkhill Died March 20th 1916 Aged 11 months “Jesus said suffer little children to come unto me”

In memory of Richard Mckillar Who died March 3rd 1892.

In memory of Ellen The affectionate daughter of John & Mary Bradley Who died 28th May 1869 aged 15 years “she died in Jesus and is Blessed” Also Thomas Bradley Who died 14th August 1856 Aged 4 months.

In affectionate remembrance of Martha Tersa McKellar Who departed this life December 12th1876 Aged 8 years “God took thy in his way a lamb untasked untried he fought the fight for thy, he won the victory and thou art satisfied”

Sacred to the memory of William Billington Who departed this life June 15th 1871 Aged 29 years “in the midst of life we are in death” James Billington Died June 8th 1845 Thomas Billington Died June 20th 1847 John Billington Died November 11th 1851.

In affectionate remembrance of John Savage Williams Who departed this life October 18th 1870 Aged 65 years.

In affectionate remembrance of John Darlington Who died January 9th 1871 Aged 38 years “in the midst of life we are in death”

In affectionate Remembrance of Alice Beloved wife of Alexander Mckellar Who died March 27th 1871 aged 32 years “here thy Merciful kindness O’Lord be upon us” Also Samuel Mckellar Son of the above Who died March 30th 1870 aged 6 months “Thy will be done” Also George Mckellar Son of the above who died June 14th 1877 Aged 6 years & 4 months “so sweet to hear him say at last ye blessed children come The days of banishment are past Your Father calls you home”

In affectionate Remembrance of Caleb Lavey Who departed this life May 25th 1880 Aged 27 years “he cometh up and is cut down like a flower” Also Martha Bridden Who departed this life July 24th 1892 Aged 39 years.

Sacred To the memory of Martha Daughter of the undermentioned John Powell Who died 2nd March 1868 Aged 66 years Also Alice wife of John Powell Of Hinderton Who departed this life December 29th 18?? Aged 38 years Also Alice Powell Daughter of the above Who departed this life The 4th March 1801 Aged 4 years Also John Powell Who died June 10th 1806 Aged 64 years Also Alice wife of Joel Dean Died June 1st 1850 aged 29 And on the 12th her daughter Helen age 9 months Grand-daughter and Great Granchildren of the Above John Powell Sarah Stewart daughter of John Powell Died 13th May 1857 aged.....

JOHN (JACK) EDWARD THOM, 14th Dec. 1901 - 12th Dec. 1966. Loving husband of Nell, and dear father of Walter. A life of giving.

Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH, wife of Randle NEWBY, who died Dececember 26th 1827. Also BESSEY, wife of Saml ACKERLEY died 29th April, 1845. RANDLE NEWBY died 14th May 1852, in the sure and certain hope of eternal life, aged 64 years. Also of ANNA MARIA, relict of the above R. NEWBY who departed this life September 17th, 1858, aged 67 years.

MARY wife of Joseph RENSHALLof Liverpool, who departed this life May 21st, 1768 aged 26 years Wife and Mother dear lies buried here. JOSEPH, son of James and Cia Renshall, Died 6th November, 18(25), aged 28 years.

Sacred to the memory of ANDREW CLARK, who died February 15th 1827 aged 76 years. Also Mary Clark, daugfhter of the above who died March 2nd 1841 aged 39 years.

Here lieth the body of GEORGE LEE, son of George and Cath Lee, who departed this life Feb 1817, aged 21 years. Also THOMAS LEE late of Rock Ferry, who died July 12th 1835, aged 31 years. Also of MARY ANN, relict of the above named Thomas LEE of Rock Ferry, who died September 18th, 1888, aged 87 years.

In loving memory of MAY, beloved wife of Edwin WR.Ash. Died 28 Sept 1965, aged 70 years.

…….GEORGE LEE….. (de) parted this life A(pril)……. Aged 44 years. (Also) .... MARY ANNE, daughter………. George and Catharine L(EE) .... Augt 17 1807 Aged 16 Months Also CATHARINE WRIGHT, late wife of the (ab)ove George Lee, who departed (th)is life 17th May, 1816, aged 44. (Als)o of FRANCIS LEE (son of (t)he above George and Cath(arine) (Lee) (o)f…….(Birkenhead) wh……. th day of Februar(y) Aged 45 years.

The burial place of JOHN………..

Sacred to the memory of ANN, wife of Hugh WILLIAMS, died 21st December, 1839, aged 49 years. Also JAMES WILLIAMS, died July 1841 Aged 24 years. Also SARAH, MARTHA, ELIZABETH, and EMMA, children of Hugh and Ann Williams, who died in infancy. Also of ROBERT WALTON WILLIAMS WILSON, grandson of Hugh and Ann Williams, who died 1 lth September, 1887, aged 26 years. Also of MARTHA JANE WILSON, daughter of Hugh and Ann Williams and mother of Robert Walton Williams Wilson, who died 16th May, 1888, aged 57 years.

GEORGE HENRY KOSTER died 13th of May, 1827, aged 9 years.

Sacred to the memory of EDWD GOODACRE, late clerk of this Parish, who died Jany 19th, 1831, aged 63 years. Also of MARTHA GOODACRE, his wife, who died August 13, 1846, aged 78 years.

In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM DANIEL, son of John and Sarah Ann RYAN, who died December 22nd, 1875, aged 4 years. 'Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care. The opening bud to heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there.'

(Entrance) into (Mr) SHEWELL(‘S) V(AU)LT, 1821. SARAH SHEWELL, Dec 8th, 1821, aged 42.ELIZABETH SHEWELL, Oct 16th 1825 aged 66. JOHN SHEWELL, (Clerk) Aug. 27th 1827, aged 77. REVD WILLIAM SHEWELL, May 20th 1829, aged 76.

The burial place of JOHN BOND

Sacred to the memory of MARY BOND, wife of John Bond, shipwright of Liverpool, who died Nov 2nd 1844, aged 73 years. Sacred to the memory of ........................

Also to the memory of ELIZABETH ASPINALL, eldest daughter of William Wareing, and wife of Joseph Aspinall. She departed this life on the 13th of January, 1857.


Sacred to the memory of EVAN GEORGE, late butler to Sir Richard Puleston Bart of Emral, Flintshire, who departed this life July 22, 1819, aged 40 years. This tomb was erected by his widow, as a testimony of her esteem and affection.

Here lyeth the body of THOMAS WATMOUGH, who departed this life August the 14. 1720.

Here lyeth the body of JOHN GILL who departed Aprell the 6. 1721. Ellen daughter of JOHN GILL deceased by ELIZABETH his wife of the Woodside buried October 14. 1722.

Sacred to the memory of George Francis Helm Esq. Who departed this life 30th April 1852, Aged 56 years. “…….press and win the prays,………..then to endless glory…..” Also of Mariane Wife of the above. Died 24th September 1872, Aged 72 years “….and because I live ye shall also” John xi..19ve.

1 comment:

Lovettpod said...

Ref: 387,(BURKHILL) a distant branch on my tree, many thanks for taking the time and effort to publish your information, Helen
