Sacred To the memory of Jessie Widow of the late John Hutchinson Esq. Merchant of Trinidad and Mother of Sarah Ann Carmichael She died at Chester on the 21st Day April 1860 Aged 6 years “blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” Also of John Carmichael Esq. Merchant of Liverpool and British Honduras Who died in London August 7th 1873 Aged 68 years And was intered here August 11th 1873.
Sacred to the memory of David Watson Hunter Third son of George and Isabella Hunter of Montrose Who died 18th May 1885 on board The barque “Countess of Derby” At Birkenhead Aged 3 years & 3 months “there’s a home for little children above the bright blue sky”
Sacred to the memory of Sophia Elizabeth The beloved child of Mr Isaac Anthony Jones (of London) born 28th April 1847 died 14th June 1861.
Sacred to the memory of Eliza Hunter Who died April 20th 1860 Aged 57 years Also of Thomas Hunter Who died 9th May 1864 Aged 55 years Also of Ann Catherine Hunter Who died 18th January 1872 Aged 66 years Also of Mary Hunter Who died 22nd January 1872 Aged 60 years Sisters of the Above.
In Memory of Emmeline Jane Wife of Isaac Espiansse Who died 24th March 1859 Aged 24 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Rankine Who died 19th December 1857 Aged 31 years Also of William James Gould Who died 15th April 1858 Aged 29 years Also of Marianne Daughter of the above William Rankine Who died December 11th 1858 Aged 8 months Also of Marianne Wife of the above William Rankine Who died 30th January 1862 Aged 31 years Also of Hannah Gould Mother of the above Who died 15th October 1879 Aged 88 years.
Sacred To the memory of Ellen Watson Who died 10th March 1850 Aged 44 years.
In memory of John Crowdson Who died November 14th 1864 Aged 71 years.
Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Jackson died November 30th 1846 Aged 1 year & 4 months Also Charles Henry Jackson died September 30th 1857 Aged 2 years & 6 months Also Elizabeth wife of Robin Jackson died July 5th 1858 aged 72 years “and as we have born the image of the earth we shall also bear the image of the heaven”.
Sacred To the memory of Elizabeth Frances Daughter of James Larden Bromfield and Elizabeth his wife, who departed this life 13th day of March 1858 aged 13 years also of the said Elizabeth wife of the above James Larden Bromfield who died 2nd June 1874 aged 60 years also in loving memory of Mary Kennedy Sister of the above Elizabeth Bromfield Who died 13th May 1894 Aged 77 years.
In affectionate rememberance of Maria White Daughter of James & Elizabeth Livingstone Who died November 4th 1859 Aged 18 months “little Sissey Mai”
Sacred To the memory of Winifred Samuals Who died 17th December Aged 68 years Also of John Samuals Son of the above Who died 20th December Aged 41 years Also of Benjamin Samuals Son of the above John Samuals Who died 20th January Aged 23 years.
In loving memory of Hannah Robinson Who died July 29th 1879 aged 57 Also of John Great grandson of the above And the beloved son of John James & Annie Robinson Who died May 1st 1908 Aged 11 years Also Alice Robinson Loving sister of the above Who died August 22nd 1940 Aged 35 years “always unselfish never unkind she was one of those sisters who are so hard to find”
In loving memory of Irene Daughter of J.& E. Christiansen Who fell asleep 25th July 1916 Aged 2 years “who plucked this lovely flower I said the Master” Also Henry The beloved son of J.M. & J.A. Christiansen Who died 19th November 1930 Aged 3 years 6 months “the angels gather such flowers for God”
Thy will be done in loving memory of Violet May The dearly loved Granddaughter of Mrs M.J.Roberts And loved daughter of W.H. & . Evans Who fell asleep in Jesus December 25th 1918 Aged 4 years & 9 months.
In memory of George son of John And Elizabeth Aspinall Who died June 12th 1876 Aged 30 years.
Sacred to the Memory of Charlotte Wilson Wife of John Wilson Esq. Who departed this life October 21st 1853 aged 74 years Also of the above John Wilson Esq. Who departed this life August 18th 1856 aged 85 years Also Ann Elizabeth Wilson Sister of the above John Wilson Esq. Who departed this life February 13th 1873 in the 91st year of her age.
Sacred to the memory of James Shillinglaw who died 28th March 1855 aged 61 years also Eliza Shillinglaw wife of the above who died 15th May 1873 aged 72 years.
Sacred to the memory of Bridget wife of Joseph Blundell Of Holt Hill Who departed this life on the 5th September 1859 aged 69 years.
Sacred to the memory of Joseph Blundell Who departed this life on The 13th June 1864 aged 66 years.
In memory of Mary Elizabeth Daughter of William and Mary Gouldson Who departed this life January 25th 1863 Aged 3 years.
In the memory of Thomas Charles Phillips Who departed this life August 27th 1860 aged 36 years A member of the 1st Cheshire Volunteer Rifle Corps.
Sacred to the memory Of Maria Beloved wife of John Humphreys Of Holt Road Tranmere Who departed this life 22nd December 1859 aged 66 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Haywood Who departed this life 11th November 1850 aged 73 years Also Elizabeth wife of the above Who departed this life 15th May 1860 aged 75 years “blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” Also of Eliza Jane Parsonage Greatgrandchild of the above Who departed this life 26th December 1860 aged 1 year & 7 months Also of Sarah Jane Leech Daughter of John & Sarah Rigby Who departed this life 9th March 1867 aged 25 years also John Rigby son-in-law of the said Thomas Haywood who departed this life 8th February 1881 aged 64 years “O Lord Thy will be done”.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Johnston son of John & Mary Johnston Who died 5th November 1859 aged 2 months Also of Charles Johnston Their son Who died 7th June 1861 aged 7 months Also of George Arnott Son of the above Who died 22nd December 1870 aged 1 year & 11 months Also of William Arnott Son of the above Who died 5th December 1874 aged 2 years & 3 months.
Photo Courtesy of Lynn Mills |
In loving memory of George (our Honey) Dearly loved son of M. & E. Conroy Who was accidentally Killed 17th February 1920 aged 6 years also George cousin of the above and beloved son of O. & M.E. Gray died 16th January 1914 aged 7 months “the call was short the blow was severe to part with those we loved so dear But God above had willed it so when He commands we all must go” Also Evelyn cousin of the above And beloved daughter of J. & S. Dean Who died through an accident 4th July 1921 aged 1 year & 6 months “in the midst of life we are in death”.
In memory of John Charles The beloved son of John Lakey And Louisa Ellis who Died August 1st 1875 Aged 2 years “safe in the arms of Jesus”.
the memory of Lavinia Emily The beloved wife of F.A. Stuart Meikleham Who died on the 12th November 1861 aged 22 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Whitfield Lloyd Who died on the 2nd December 1881 aged 78 years also of Elizabeth his wife who died on the 18th February 1865 Aged 79 years.
In loving memory of Our dear (Sonny) Harold Roberts Who departed this life August 29th 1913 aged 3 months “fold him in thine arms O Lord”.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Clementina The beloved wife of Henry Manning Who departed this life on the 4th December 1861 aged 31 years.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Ann the beloved wife of John Pearson (Timber merchant) Who died 22nd April 1862 Aged 40 years She was a faithful and affectionate wife And tender mother and a dutiful daughter “in her affections she gave cheers of evidence of her acceptance with God and while we deeply applore her to we have the blessed prospect of meeting, beyond the grave. Faithful thy will be done” also of John Pearson who died August 28th 1888 aged 77 years.
Sacred to the memory of Adelaide Victoria Lousia Youngest daughter of T. Rae Esq. Deputy Commander General Born 26th July 1841 died 30th June 1862 “them which also sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”.
In memory of John Hodgson who died Friday 19th May 1863 Aged 78 years In affectionate rememberance of James Hodgson Son of the above Who departed this life October 15th 1865 Aged 45 years Also Capt. George Billsbarrow Stepson of the above Who was drowned at Nassau By the upsetting of his own boat 5th June 1881 in the 33rd year of his age.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Henry Potter Who died April 24th 1864 Aged 63.
In loving memory of Reggie The beloved child of W. & J. S. Carwood Who died 5th February 1909 Aged 2 years “Jesus called a little child”
In loving memory of John Cliffe September 25th 1886 To September 4th 1965.
In loving memory of Ethel Mullen Daughter of W. & E. Jones who Died 2nd October 1913 Aged 10 months “with Christ which is far better”
Sacred to the memory of Jane Moore The wife of Robert B. Moore Solicitor And daughter of the late Robert Davidson The Hill Cumberland She died on the 13th May 1863 Aged 45 years Also of Maria Thompson Grand-daughter of the above Robert Davidson Who died 13th May 1864 aged 29 years.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas & Ann Fox Who departed this life on The 16th November 1863 aged 10 years Also Thomas Fox Died 2nd October 1886 And Ann Fox His wife died October 11th 1892 Father and Mother of the above Also Betty Loxton Grand-mother died April 29th 1873 Aged 88 years.
In memory of Clara The dearly and beloved child of Edward and Martha Ann Pierce Who died 19th September 1863 Aged 5 years and 6 months Also Arthur Second son of the above Who died on 2nd June 1867 Aged 2 years Also of Margaret Midgley Grand-mother of the above children Who died 3rd May 1872 Aged 55 years Also of Clara Third daughter of the above Died 28th January 1876 Aged 8 years.
Sacred to the memory of Amy Gertrude Daughter of C.G.Grant Who died 17th April 186? Aged 2 years and 2 months Also Mary Jane The beloved wife of the above Who died 9th December 1870 aged 49 years “to live is Christ to die is gain” Also the above Charles Goubard Grant Who died 11th November 1892 aged 72 years “the memory of the Just is blessed”.
In memory of Joseph Arthur Son of Joseph & Susan Corker Who died June 19th 1873 Aged 10 months “suffer little children to come unto me”
Sacred to the memory of Mary Daughter of John & Mary L. Bothell Who died March 5th 1875 Aged 4 months.
In affectionate remembrance of Amelia Esther Jane Lythgoe Only daughter of John Christe and Jane Lythgoe Who departed this life April 20th 1868 Aged 6 months.
Sacred to the memory of Martha Coleman Second daughter of the late James Coleman Of Pontefract Who died in this parish June XXX MDCCCLXIV Also of Caroline Coleman Third daughter of the above Who died July XVII DCCCLXXII Also of Edmund Coleman Son of the above named James Coleman Who died IV of May MDCCCLXXXVII Aged ?4 years.
In memory of George Kendal son Of Benjamin & Margaret Wrigg Who died August 29th 1875 Aged 2 years.
In memory of Fredrick K.C. Newall Who died January 26th 1875 Aged 7 months “suffer little children to come unto me”.
Sacred in the memory of John Willoughby Who died 11th January 1865 Aged 61 years Also Charlotte Wife of the above who died 20th May 1882 aged 76 years Also Beatrice Sanders Died 29th October 1874 aged 6 months Also George Alfred Sanders Died 28th June 1875 Aged 3 weeks Hannah Sanders Died May 13th 1876 Aged 5 years Grandchildren of the above.
In memory of William James Jones Son of William and Jane Jones Who departed this life February 6th 1863 Aged 3 years & 7 months Also Jane Eleanor Jones Daughter of Thomas & Hannah Jones Who departed this life November 1869 Aged 2 years and 4 months “they have only gone to be with Jesus”.
In memory of Edmund Son of George & Henrietta A. Hyatt Who died 16th February 1865 Aged 6 months.
Sacred to the memory of Ellen Maria Dixon Who departed this life October 23rd 1869 aged 10 months “too pure for such a world as this Angels claimed her for their world of bliss”
In loving memory of Annie Mary Atkinson Died May 4th 1912 Aged 2 years.
Arnold Winstanley Died October 11th 1887 Aged 2 weeks “there’s a somewhere for little children beyond the bright blue sky”
In memory of Edwin Cooper Who died December 1865.
In memory of Sarah daughter of David & Martha Lawson Who died 11th December 1865.
In affectionate Remembrance of John Roberts The beloved son of Henry & Ellen Fairclough Who died May 30th 1869 Aged 4 months.
In loving memory of Eleanor May The beloved daughter of C. & M. E. Martin Who died 30th January 1913 In her third year “gone but not forgotten”.
In memory of Hannah Elizabeth And Margaret Broadbent Who died of ……1872 Aged 23 months Also Hannah Elizabeth Third daughter of the above Who died 28th November 1874.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Emma Youngest daughter of John & Hannah Ellen Hodgbury Who died July 11th 1874 Aged 2 years & 10 months.
In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth The beloved daughter of Fredrick V.G. Dean Theobald Who died September 4th 1915 Aged 16 days.
Sacred to the memory of William Henry Son of Joseph & Fanny Tickle Who departed this life October 10th 1866 Aged 1 year & 7 months.
In loving memory of Stanley Hope Who died 14th February 1881 Aged 6 months Also of Albert Basham Who died 22nd November 1891 Aged 14 months The beloved children of Charles John & Agnes Fraser.
In loving memory of Maria Pearl M. Battersby Died 28th December 1838 Aged 1 year & 7 months.
In memory of Susanna Relict of David Walton Of Halifax Who died 2nd September 1865 Aged 73 years “unthinking mortals ye must die behold the King of dread Prepare to let the arrow fly That ranks you unto the dead”
In affectionate remembrance of Benjamin Hughes Son of Thomas & Catherine Hughes Who departed this life November 26th 1869 Aged 14 months Also of John Frances Hughes Son of the above Who departed this life October 14th 1871 Aged 5 years “not gone from memory not gone from love but gone to their father’s house above” Also of Thomas Henry Hughes Died November 13th 1897 Aged 13 months.
In loving memory of William The beloved child of Samuel & Eleanor Gorrade Who died 16th February 1914 Aged 6 years & 10 months “safe with the arms of Jesus”
In loving memory of Minie Grace The beloved daughter of Wilfred & Myra Williams Who died December 28th 1916 Aged 3 years 6 months “yes Jesus loved me”
In memory of John Son of George and Isabella Purdy Who died October 30th 1866 Aged 23 months.
In loving memory of Edna Jessie The dearly beloved daughter of John & Anne Peacock Who passed away June 16th 1911 Age 6 years “safe in the arms of Jesus”
Aged 4 years & 5 months This loved child so young and fair (Broken Stone).