Sacred to the memory of Eliza Wife of William Stephenson Who departed this life 27th July 1854 Aged 49 years Also William Nicholas Stephenson Eldest son of the above Who died at …….. 19th February 1856 Aged 24 years Also the above William Stephenson Who died in Liverpool 18th October 1863 Aged 65 years "with Christ which is far better"
Sacred To the memory of Thomas William Kenning Who died the 18th November 1847 aged 6 months Also Lucy died 20th December 1858 Aged 8 years & 5 months Also Sarah died 4th January 1859 Aged 4 years Also Mary Anne Died 8th January 1859 aged 17 months Beloved children of Thomas and Mary Kenning
In remembrance of Henry Byron Who died August 30th 1855 In the 86th year of his age "having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better "
Sacred to the memory of George Gould Carmichael Who died 14th February 1845 Aged 3 years and 6 months And of Jane Carmichael Who died 17th February 1845 Aged 13 months Also of Duncan Robert Carmichael Who died 15th December 1853 Aged 11 months Children of John and Sarah Carmichael.
(Ref. 163)
In memory of John W. Rowbotham Late of Halifax Who died 29th July 1868 Aged 50 years Also Thomas Rowbotham Late of Halifax Who died November 28th 1865 Aged 51 years Also Martha Rowbotham Relict of the above Who died April 12th 1868 Aged 51 years.
(Ref. 165)
Sacred to the memory of Mary Ellen Daughter of Hugh and Hannah Hughes Who died 18th February 1858 Aged 8 years Also Hannah the beloved wife of Hugh Hughes died 25th August 1859 Aged 33 years
Sacred To the memory of Ann Jane Mooney Who died 30th January 1858 Aged 37 years.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Wife of Joseph Wilkinson Who departed this life December 21st 1860 Aged 50 years Also of Joseph son of the above Who died at Conway February 2nd 1871 Aged 52 years Also of John Mathison Ashton Son-in-law of the above Sarah Wilkinson Who departed this life December 16th 1872 aged 45 years.
Sacred to the memory of Matilda Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Cook who died 10th December 1857 aged 4 years Also of John Somerset Her brother died the 11th December 1857 Aged 11 months Also of Emily sister of the above Who died 6th February 1858 Aged 3 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann the beloved wife of Joseph Brerclon Who departed this life 24th November 1865 aged 37 years. (This would seem to be a mis-transcription as I cannot find a death registration for this) ( A 'Chris' gives a correction to this entry as "Ann Brereton" & gives a burial date of 28th November 1853 aged 39)
In memory of Eliza Ann Wife of George P. Oxley Who died July 7th 1857 Aged 45 years.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Maria The beloved wife of Samuel Henry Covell Who died 1st March 1857 Aged 33 years Also of Hannah the beloved wife of Samuel Covell and Mother in law of the above Who died 9th February 1859 Aged 73 years.
Sacred To the memory of John Bushell Jnr. Of Liverpool Who died the 18th February 1857 Aged 29 years.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Ratcliffe Who died 31st March 1858 Aged 70 years "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" In beloved memory of Caroline Elizabeth Wife of Mark H. Gibson Who died 1st September 1873 Aged 23 years & 11 months "in the midst of life we are in death" also Edith Caroline daughter of the above who died in Cumberland January 31st 1874 aged 5 months also of Caroline Breswick Relict of Thomas Breswick Who departed this life March 20th 1933 Aged 77 years.
Sacred to the memory of Mary Wife of George Platts Jnr. Who departed this life August 24th 1863 Aged 22 years Also of Hannah The wife of George Platts Snr. Who departed this life 3rd April 1873 Aged 67 years Also of George Platts Snr. Who departed this life February 20th 1892 Aged 85 years For a long period Parish Clerk of St. Marys and Master of the Old National School A resident of Birkenhead for 64 years "Absent from the body present with the Lord".
Sacred To the memory of John Cowie Of Mullaghglass County Galaway Ireland The 8th son of the late John Cowie Esq. of Hull Who departed this life November 1st 1861 Aged 33 years.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
In memory of Edward Easton Son of Royston F. and Emily Boulthee Died 13th May 1862 aged 10 months “Jesus called a little child” Also Royston Frederick Second son of the above died 17th October 1866 aged 2 months “Is it well with the child and she answered it is well” Also Emily The beloved wife of Royston F. Boulthee Died 14th September 1874 aged 44 years “not lost but gone before” Also Royston Frederick Boulthee Who fell asleep April 10th 1909 Aged 80 years “as we have loved him in life let us not forget him in death”
In the GRO Marriage index there is: Royston Frederick Boultbee & Emily Hitchcock Easton, Wirral. September Quarter Vol.8a page 501.
On the: 7th April 1861 (RG9/2642 Folio: 142 Page: 51 ) the family are living at 30 Price Street, Birkenhead.
2nd April 1871 (RG10/3752 Folio: 57 Page: 20) the family are living in Arno Road, Oxton. Royston's occupation is Oil Merchant, born in Liverpool, Lancashire.
3 April 1881 (RG11/3588 Folio: 45 Page: 35 ) is described as living at Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead.
5th April 1891 (RG12/2892 Folio 85 Page 4) Royston is living at 5 Osbourne Terrace, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead.
31st march 1901 ( RG13/3399 Folio: 7 Page: 5) Royston is living at 5 Osbourne Terrace, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead with his Spinster daughter Charlotte Boultbee.
In memory of Edward Easton Son of Royston F. and Emily Boulthee Died 13th May 1862 aged 10 months “Jesus called a little child” Also Royston Frederick Second son of the above died 17th October 1866 aged 2 months “Is it well with the child and she answered it is well” Also Emily The beloved wife of Royston F. Boulthee Died 14th September 1874 aged 44 years “not lost but gone before” Also Royston Frederick Boulthee Who fell asleep April 10th 1909 Aged 80 years “as we have loved him in life let us not forget him in death”
In the GRO Marriage index there is: Royston Frederick Boultbee & Emily Hitchcock Easton, Wirral. September Quarter Vol.8a page 501.
On the: 7th April 1861 (RG9/2642 Folio: 142 Page: 51 ) the family are living at 30 Price Street, Birkenhead.
2nd April 1871 (RG10/3752 Folio: 57 Page: 20) the family are living in Arno Road, Oxton. Royston's occupation is Oil Merchant, born in Liverpool, Lancashire.
3 April 1881 (RG11/3588 Folio: 45 Page: 35 ) is described as living at Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead.
5th April 1891 (RG12/2892 Folio 85 Page 4) Royston is living at 5 Osbourne Terrace, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead.
31st march 1901 ( RG13/3399 Folio: 7 Page: 5) Royston is living at 5 Osbourne Terrace, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead with his Spinster daughter Charlotte Boultbee.

In loving memory of Gaskell Johnson, our dear baby boy, Taken from us June……. Aged 3(?)months “Suffer little children to come unto thee”.
In loving memory of Gaskell Johnson, our dear baby boy, Taken from us June……. Aged 3(?)months “Suffer little children to come unto thee”.
Cheshire BMD has a Gaskell Johnson's Birth registered in 1880 & a death in 1881. According to the Census on the 3rd April 1881 (RG11/3576 Folio 10 Page: 14) Gaskell Johnson was living at 67 Camden Street Birkenhead, with his Grandparents John & Mary Waring & their daughter his mother Mary Johnson.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
In memory of John Blake Infant son of Thomas And Gertrude Allen Of Cherry Orchard, Shrewsbury Died 8th February 1864 Aged 1 year & 5 months
Sacred To the memory of Charles Wainwright Who died 25th December 1854 Aged 57 years.
Sacred to the memory of Alexander Logan Moffat M.D. Of Sundaywell Dumfrieshire Who departed this life The 3rd March 1855 aged 42 years Also of Susan Maxwell Daughter of Robert Maxwell Esq. Of Castlehill Dunfrieshire Who died 5th November 1856 Aged 78 years.
Sacred To the memory of Ernest Agustus Youngest son of Edward & Mary Heycock died December 27th 1832 Aged 7 years & 11months “of such is the kingdom of God” Also Jane wife of Henry Heycock (Manchester) who died July 5th 1860 Aged 62 years.
Sacred To the memory of Maria Catherine daughter Of Sanford Joseph and Christina Charlotte Storey Who departed this life 18th March 1853 aged 20 months Also Christina Charlotte The dearly loved wife of Sandford Joseph Storey Who departed this life on the 24th May 1889 aged 66 years “Her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also, and he praiseth her” Also Sanford Joseph Storey Who entered into rest October 27th 1891 Aged 74 years “and his end was peace”.
In loving memory of Margaret Emily Who died December 29th 1922 Aged 1 year & 9 months Also Henry Died December 1909 Aged ?.
Sacred To the memory of Mansell Edward Only & beloved son of Edward & Susan Collings Of Birkenhead Who departed this life 24th March 1856 aged 6 years & 6 months “of such is the kingdom of Heaven”
Sacred To the memory of Henry Landers Brown Son of Jamie & Mary Ann Brown Who died 1st September 1862 Aged 4 years & 10 months Also of John Robert Brown Brother of the above Who died on the 22nd May 1866 Aged 16 years & 3 Months Also of Captain James Brown Of the P&O service Father of the above Who died on the 17th November 1874 Aged 67 years Also of Allen Brown Second son of the above Who died April 6th 1875 Aged 23 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Mary Brierly Who died 10th September 1856 Aged 80 years Relict of the late Benjamin Brierly of Manchester Also of Anne Berry Brierly Daughter of the above who died 23rd April 1857 aged 58 years Also of Sarah Booned Brierly? Born December 28th 1800 Died 5th October 1882 Also of Mary Hamilton Watkin Daughter of the above Margaret Mary Brierly And widow of John Watkin Of Salford Manchester Who died 17th November 1883 Aged 70 Years.
In memory of John Blake Infant son of Thomas And Gertrude Allen Of Cherry Orchard, Shrewsbury Died 8th February 1864 Aged 1 year & 5 months
Sacred To the memory of Charles Wainwright Who died 25th December 1854 Aged 57 years.
Sacred to the memory of Alexander Logan Moffat M.D. Of Sundaywell Dumfrieshire Who departed this life The 3rd March 1855 aged 42 years Also of Susan Maxwell Daughter of Robert Maxwell Esq. Of Castlehill Dunfrieshire Who died 5th November 1856 Aged 78 years.
Sacred To the memory of Ernest Agustus Youngest son of Edward & Mary Heycock died December 27th 1832 Aged 7 years & 11months “of such is the kingdom of God” Also Jane wife of Henry Heycock (Manchester) who died July 5th 1860 Aged 62 years.
Sacred To the memory of Maria Catherine daughter Of Sanford Joseph and Christina Charlotte Storey Who departed this life 18th March 1853 aged 20 months Also Christina Charlotte The dearly loved wife of Sandford Joseph Storey Who departed this life on the 24th May 1889 aged 66 years “Her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also, and he praiseth her” Also Sanford Joseph Storey Who entered into rest October 27th 1891 Aged 74 years “and his end was peace”.
In loving memory of Margaret Emily Who died December 29th 1922 Aged 1 year & 9 months Also Henry Died December 1909 Aged ?.
Sacred To the memory of Mansell Edward Only & beloved son of Edward & Susan Collings Of Birkenhead Who departed this life 24th March 1856 aged 6 years & 6 months “of such is the kingdom of Heaven”
Sacred To the memory of Henry Landers Brown Son of Jamie & Mary Ann Brown Who died 1st September 1862 Aged 4 years & 10 months Also of John Robert Brown Brother of the above Who died on the 22nd May 1866 Aged 16 years & 3 Months Also of Captain James Brown Of the P&O service Father of the above Who died on the 17th November 1874 Aged 67 years Also of Allen Brown Second son of the above Who died April 6th 1875 Aged 23 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Mary Brierly Who died 10th September 1856 Aged 80 years Relict of the late Benjamin Brierly of Manchester Also of Anne Berry Brierly Daughter of the above who died 23rd April 1857 aged 58 years Also of Sarah Booned Brierly? Born December 28th 1800 Died 5th October 1882 Also of Mary Hamilton Watkin Daughter of the above Margaret Mary Brierly And widow of John Watkin Of Salford Manchester Who died 17th November 1883 Aged 70 Years.
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